Friday 8 June 2012


Presentation RNA Transcription

The presenter should be more of a low self-esteem nerd

JESS Next up is the process of RNA transcription, the way that our DNA encodes proteins that do all the functioning inside, and outside the cell. Thanks to RNA Transcription we grow fingers, play computer games and buy self help books. 

RICH Each of us have unique DNA code, which is hey we look different, anti also helps us have different personalities. The proteins that our DNA encodes helps to determine whether or not we like Kate Bush, or whether or not we're passive aggressive.

JESS How much are you similar to your mum and dad?

RICH  How much is your personality due to experience and how much because of your genes?

JESS Is your destiny set in stone?

RICH How responsible are you for what you do in life?

RNA transcript script times 2

DNA stands for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. It's made of 4 different nucleotides, Cytosine, which binds with Guanine, and Adenine which binds with Thymine.

The sequence of these 4 nucleotides determines your genetic code. 

The DNA codes for proteins, the  into proteins, 

 the DNA is unzipped by an enzyme, helicase.

RNA, or ribose nucleic acid lines up and binds to complementary nucleotides along the DNA. The RNA nucleotides include Cytosine, Guanine and Adenine, but the Thymine nucleotide is replaced by Uracil in RNA. 

This continues until the whole gene is translated. The strand of RNA is called messenger RNA. It leaves the nucleus and binds to a ribosome, a kind of work bench of the cell. 

Here, transfer RNA attaches to a codon of the messenger RNA, 3 nucleotides in a row. This 3-nucleotide codon corresponds to one of 20 different amino acids, which make up proteins. 

The next messenger RNA codon attaches to it's corresponding Transfer RNA codon and the two amino acids bind. This continues until the proton is complete.

Each Amino Acid is different, some have a negative and some have a positive charge. The sequence of amino acids determines the 3D shape of the proetein, which is crucial to its function… 

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